Making A "Hot" Summer Song, Part 1

Hot town, summer in the city. Ain't that the truth this year, with heat waves and record temperatures scorching the country, from Seattle to Savannah.

When it's summer, you want to hear that slinky, sticky, sizzling music. Whether it's songs about summer, or just music that makes you want to roll down the windows, crank up the volume and play dashboard drummer.

In our new song "Hot Mess" we tried to capture a summer sound that goes with barbecue and beer, a day on the beach, or a night on Bourbon Street.

How Loose Is Your Goose?

The heart of a summer song is a great groove. And the heartbeat of Gooseneck is funky drummer Cam Tyler.

We think Cam laid down some of his best playing yet on "Hot Mess." Part of what makes it funky is his syncopated snare track. Instead of the typical downbeats on 2 and 4, he gooses the first snare ahead of the beat, giving it extra wiggle. 

Underneath the snare is a kick drum pattern based on the “Bo Diddley” beat, or second line clave rhythm. "Hot Mess" is set in New Orleans, so we wanted to incorporate that second line sound and groove.

Check out this short video clip of Cam and Will laying down the rhythm tracks on “Hot Mess”:

Next up in part 2 of this series: We take a look at singer T.J. Wilkins 
cutting the vocals for "Hot Mess." Stay tuned for more.

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